Full-field ERG Waveform



The waveform will show a series of peaks and valleys, each one telling you something different. The first negative peak you see is the A wave, which is measuring photoreceptor function. Photoreceptors are our visual cells – rods and cones. This is primarily driven by the cones.

The second peak is the B wave, which is the bipolar cell function. This transmits the signal from the photoreceptors to the inner retina.

The third characteristic is called the PhNR – the photopic negative response – which measures the innermost layer of cells, the retinal ganglion cell layer.

O teste PhNR do RETeval® device measures how fast the cells respond to the stimulus. This is called the implicit time. Healthy cells should respond very quickly. If there is a delay in the timing, those cells are stressed and not performing the way they should.

The device also measures the amplitude – the strength of those cells. If there’s a reduction in the amplitude, there are fewer healthy cells working for the patient.