Handheld RETeval ERG device
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RETeval: ERG Simplified

Electroretinography isn’t what it used to be. FDA-cleared and made in the US, the RETeval® offers a portable, handheld solution that is comfortable for patients, easy for clinicians, and provides an efficient, objective functional assessment of retinal health.

Catch the Latest Wave of Functional Assessment

RETeval 1
Diabetic Retinopathy

O teste PhNR do RETeval’s DR Assessment Protocol predicts your patient’s risk for progression to inform your treatment protocols and guide referral timing.


Detect and track changes to the ganglion cell layer with the RETeval device’s PhNR protocol to aid and support diagnosis, management, and treatment of optic nerve neuropathies.

“I firmly believe that the RETeval ffERG test for functional diabetic retinopathy management will change the way we practice in 2024 in much the same way that OCT testing for structural DR management changed the way we practiced 20 years ago.”

Dr. Bobby Wood
Bobby “Chip” Wood, OD
Optometrist and Vision Source administrator

Por que o RETeval?

  • Portable, handheld device can be used anywhere in your clinic
  • Testing on both eyes can be completed in only a few minutes
  • Color-coded report simplifies interpretation
  • Age-matched reference database helps stratify patient results
  • Patented Sensor Strip adhesive skin electrodes save time & reduce hassle
  • Flexible Sensor Strip material is gentle on skin with no corneal contact required
  • Indicado para qualquer idade sem sedação
  • Reimbursable with CPT code 92273
  • More than 560 applicable ICD-10 codes
  • Seamlessly integrates into clinic workflow with minimal training
  • Accessible investment to fuel practice growth

ERG Coding & Reimbursement Guide >

“The RETeval has been the best ROI I’ve had with any one single piece of equipment. Patients are extremely impressed with how easy the test is.”

Sundeep Kaur
Optometrist and Vision Source Administrator
Practical Guidelines to DR - website module

Fundamentos modernos do gerenciamento da retinopatia diabética em optometria

Uma equipe de 14 optometristas se propôs a simplificar e padronizar a avaliação e o gerenciamento da retinopatia diabética (RD), desenvolvendo um conjunto de diretrizes práticas para seus colegas. Sua colaboração apresenta uma estrutura para aprimorar o diagnóstico e o gerenciamento da RD, a fim de apoiar melhores resultados para os pacientes e permitir que os oftalmologistas primários cuidem com confiança da crescente população de pacientes com diabetes.


Validated by 200+ Peer-Reviewed Research Studies

Since its launch in 2015, more than 3,000 devices have been installed worldwide in optometry, ophthalmology, retina specialty, and research settings. LKC Technologies has been an industry leader in functional assessments for more than 45 years, and the RETeval is backed by science – giving you peace of mind that you’re making the right choice for your patients.

Electroretinography (ERG) Coding and Reimbursement Guide

Guias de codificação e reembolso de ERG e PEV

In the United States, there are more than 560 ICD-10-CM codes that may be associated with the CPT codes used to report electroretinography and visual-evoked potential. The following guides, developed by The Pinnacle Health Group, provide some of the more common diagnosis codes that may be used for protocols associated with the RETeval . Depois de clicar no link, será redirecionado para a página em inglês.

Baixar o guia de ERG Baixar o guia de PEV


Os guias acima concentram-se na codificação e reembolso do consultório médico. Para Ambulatório Hospitalar, entre em contato conosco.

Learn About Modern ERG

Is ERG Needed if You Have Access to a Good Structural Imaging Device?

Timothy Earley, OD, Justin Schweitzer, OD, FAAO, Julie Rodman, OD, MSc, FAAO, Steve Ferrucci, OD, FAAO, Nate Lighthizer, OD, FAAO, and James Thimons, OD, FAAO

The Three Biggest Ways ERG Changed My Practice

Frances Bynum, OD

Read this feature article in Women in Optometry to learn why Dr. Bynum cannot imagine practicing without her RETeval handheld ERG.

How ERG Helps Boost Clinical & Financial Success

Bobby “Chip” Wood, OD

In this Review of Optometric Business article, Dr. Wood describes how the RETeval is helping him better manage his patients with diabetes and boost his bottom line.

How RETeval works

Como funciona


  1. O dispositivo RETeval começará a emitir uma luz intermitente no olho do paciente.


  2. A retina responde aos flashes gerando pequenos sinais elétricos que viajam pela estrutura facial até a tira do sensor.


  3. A tira do sensor detecta os sinais elétricos e compara os resultados com o banco de dados de referência ajustado à idade.

Vamos conversar!

Obter mais informações ou solicitar uma demonstração ou orçamento do dispositivo RETeval.
