Photopic negative response recorded with RETeval system in eyes with optic nerve disorders

The purpose of this study was to determine whether PhNRs (Photopic negative response) recorded with the RETeval system and circumpapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (cpRNFLT) are significantly correlated in eyes with optic nerve disorders. Patients with optic nerve disorders had significantly smaller PhNRs compared to the control subjects and the ROC analysis indicated that […]

Early Changes in Photopic Negative Response in Eyes with Glaucoma

PHnR glaucoma results

In this study, the PhNR of the RETeval was compared following glaucoma filtration surgery in patients with and without choroidal detachment after surgery. A functional improvement of the ganglion cell function (PhNR measurement) was observed after surgery. The presence of choroidal detachment appears to arrest the improvement of the ganglion cell function and less improvement […]