Handheld RETeval ERG device
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RETeval: ERG Simplified

Electroretinography isn’t what it used to be. FDA-cleared and made in the US, the RETeval® offers a portable, handheld solution that is comfortable for patients, easy for clinicians, and provides an efficient, objective functional assessment of retinal health.

RETeval at the Exchange

The RETeval is affordable, reimbursable, and offers objective results with simplified interpretation – you’ve never seen ERG like this before. Don’t miss our special Exchange offer to help you start simplifying disease management and level up your patient education.

Find us in Booth 550.

Can’t-Miss Learning & Development

Foundations of Retina Care: How to Leverage Diagnostic Protocols

When: Wednesday 4/30, 9:00 AM
Speakers: Bradley Grant, OD, and Jim Hale, OD

This course provides a practical guide to implementing standardized diagnostic protocols for retina care. Attendees will learn from faculty experiences integrating ERG into their clinical workflow and how these standardized protocols streamline patient management, simplify cases, and improve outcomes.


Stating the Case(s) for More Functional Testing in Clinical Practice

When: Wednesday 4/30, 1:00 PM
Speakers: Amber Dunn, OD, and Ryan Powell, OD

In this case-based course, clinicians will present real-world patient scenarios that illustrate how functional data from ERG served as the tipping point for clinical decisions, revealing crucial information to enhance diagnostic accuracy, improve patient outcomes, and support more informed, proactive management strategies.

Catch the Latest Wave of Functional Assessment

RETeval 1
Diabetic Retinopathy

The RETeval’s DR Assessment Protocol predicts your patient’s risk for progression to inform your treatment protocols and guide referral timing.


Detect and track changes to the ganglion cell layer with the RETeval device’s PhNR protocol to aid and support diagnosis, management, and treatment of optic nerve neuropathies.

“I firmly believe that the RETeval ffERG test for functional diabetic retinopathy management will change the way we practice in 2024 in much the same way that OCT testing for structural DR management changed the way we practiced 20 years ago.”

Dr. Bobby Wood
Bobby “Chip” Wood, OD
Optometrist and Vision Source administrator

Why RETeval?

  • Portable, handheld device can be used anywhere in your clinic
  • Testing on both eyes can be completed in only a few minutes
  • Color-coded report simplifies interpretation
  • Age-matched reference database helps stratify patient results
  • Patented Sensor Strip adhesive skin electrodes save time & reduce hassle
  • Flexible Sensor Strip material is gentle on skin with no corneal contact required
  • Appropriate for any age without sedation
  • Dilation not required
  • Reimbursable with CPT code 92273
  • More than 560 applicable ICD-10 codes
  • Seamlessly integrates into clinic workflow with minimal training
  • Accessible investment to fuel practice growth

ERG Coding & Reimbursement Guide >

“The RETeval fits in nicely with the other technology we have. When you look at wide-field photography, when you look at OCT, those give you the structural side of what’s going on with a patient – then you add something that looks at function, like the RETeval. It’s just like putting a puzzle together.”

Francis Bynum
Frances Bynum, OD
Optometrist and Vision Source Administrator
Practical Guidelines to DR - website module

RETeval: Core Cases from the Clinical Compendium

With the incorporation of a single simple test, these eyecare providers are elevating their patient care through easier management decisions and better patient education.

With each of the 4 cases presented in this eBook, learn:

    • Why was an ERG performed?
    • What were the ERG findings?
    • How did the ERG impact next steps?

RETeval: Making a Difference in Diabetic Retinopathy Care


Validated by 200+ Peer-Reviewed Research Studies

Since its launch in 2015, more than 3,000 devices have been installed worldwide in optometry, ophthalmology, retina specialty, and research settings. LKC Technologies has been an industry leader in functional assessments for more than 45 years, and the RETeval is backed by science – giving you peace of mind that you’re making the right choice for your patients.

Electroretinography (ERG) Coding and Reimbursement Guide

ERG & VEP Coding and Reimbursement Guides

In the United States, there are more than 560 ICD-10-CM codes that may be associated with the CPT codes used to report electroretinography and visual-evoked potential. The following guides, developed by The Pinnacle Health Group, provide some of the more common diagnosis codes that may be used for protocols associated with the RETeval handheld device.

Download ERG guide Download VEP guide


The above guides focus on Physician Office Coding and Reimbursement. For Hospital Outpatient, contact us.

See How RETeval Makes a Differences

ERG Raises Red Flag, Changing Management Trajectory

A complaint of difficulty driving at night is not uncommon for ODs to hear, but when one patient mentioned this during his routine exam, his 20/20 VA prompted Dr. Frances Bynum to look further.

Implementing ERG in Clinical Practice

Tune in to Dr. Chris Wolfe’s podcast episode to hear how Drs. Bobby “Chip” Wood and Nate Lighthizer are changing patient care with their RETevala patient-friendly, doctor-friendly, staff-friendly solution for objective functional assessments.

Routine Electroretinography Use Supports Patient Management

After his patient with MS discontinued care with her neurologist, Dr. Bradley Grant used his RETeval to determine the appropriate follow-up schedule while leveraging the easy-to-interpret reports for crucial patient education.

How RETeval works

How It Works​


  1. The RETeval device starts flashing light into the patient’s eye.


  2. The retina responds to the flashes by generating small electrical signals that travel through the facial structure to the Sensor Strip.


  3. The Sensor Strip detects the electrical signals and compares the results to the age-adjusted reference database.

Let’s Talk!

Request a demo or more information about the RETeval device.

Contact us